VNA Test Port Extension Cables | Through 67 GHz | MegaPhase

The Perfect Alternative to Overpriced OEM Test Cables

  • Phase Stable
  • Low VSWR
  • Consistent, Repeatable Performance
  • Armored & Rugged
  • Wide Variety of Connectors
  • Excellent Flexibility

VNA test port extension cables provide the highest precision in vector network analyzer measurements in the lab while holding your calibration. In addition to the electrical performance, these VNA cables are rugged and feature a lightweight armor to ensure consistent performance over time in both lab and production environments, up to 67 GHz. A wide variety of connectors are available including precision NMD or port-ruggedized connectors, which mate directly to the VNA port. Connector attachments are designed to enhance sudden axial and radial loading. Test cables are available as phase matched sets.

Part Numbers

VN4, VN8, VN18, VN26, VN32, VN34, VN40, VN50, VN67

MegaPhase VNA Test Port Extension Cables to 32 GHz

Phase Change vs. Flexure


Insertion Loss vs. Flexure


Phase Change vs. Temperature


Insertion Loss vs. Temperature


Insertion Loss

Cable CW Power Handling

MegaPhase VNA Test Port Extension Cables to 67 GHz

Phase vs. Flexure


Phase vs. Temperature
