New RF Orange® Test Cable to 110 GHz - Megaphase

New RF Orange® Test Cable to 110 GHz

The MegaPhase TM110 test cable is the newest edition to our RF Orange® product line.  This armored test coaxial cable is built for applications including 5G, mobile backhaul, automotive radar, and semiconductor testing. Besides excellent VSWR of 1.35:1 through 110 GHz, this cable assembly exhibits best-in-class phase and amplitude stability versus flexure and temperature. The TM110 is available with 1.0mm connectors and built to your custom length.

 Follow the link to learn more and download your copy of the TM110 data sheet.

 Contact MegaPhase Customer Solutions to request your quote! or (570)424-8400.

*Cable VSWR response is typical.
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