How To? Care & Handle Cable Assemblies - Megaphase

How To? Care & Handle Cable Assemblies

Another essential guideline in caring and handling of cable assemblies is preventing incorrect over-torque coupling.

Recommended Coupling Torque

Incorrect coupling torque can produce inaccurate measurements and over-torque coupling can damage test devices, adapters, and test ports. Torque wrenches should be utilized to for all Mate / De-Mate processes. (See Table II for recommended coupling torque values.)

                       Table II Recommended Coupling Torque


Interface Type

Coupling Torque

7mm, Type N

12 in-lbs.

3.5mm, 2.92mm, K, 2.4mm, 1.85mm

8 in-lbs.


5 in-lbs.

Look to our Torque Wrenches to avoid this problem.



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