MegaPhase Announces Extended Warranty Period - Megaphase

MegaPhase Announces Extended Warranty Period

MegaPhase Extends Warranty Period to One Year For High Performance RF Cable Assemblies

Stroudsburg, PA, Jan.30, 2012– MegaPhase, a global leader in the design and manufacture of RF and Microwave cable assemblies, announced a new warranty period of one year for all high performance products, including its GrooveTube® cable assemblies. All MegaPhase High Performance assemblies purchased on or after December 1, 2011 will be covered by this new one-year warranty.

“This warranty upgrade is a reflection of MegaPhase’s commitment to excellence and our mission to lead the industry in customer trust,” said Bill Pote, Founder & CEO of MegaPhase. “It’s our goal to help our customers function efficiently by supplying high performance RF interconnect solutions to meet the most demanding operating environments and demanding production schedules.”

The following High Performance Products are covered by this full year warranty period:

-GrooveTube® Phase Defined, Low Loss through 50 GHz.

-RF Orange® “Lowest Cost per Measurement” phase stable test cables.

-MegaPhase® VNA test port extension cables.

-EMC Lab ultra-low loss, armored test cables.

-SiteLine® ultra-rugged “gorilla proof” armored test cables for field testing.

-T-Vac Series for altitude and spacecraft test.

-Warrior® Cable rugged, stable and “soldier proof” (aka—“officer proof”) with over 250,000 cables fielded supporting our troops and Allied Forces in OCO’s.

-V-Band phase and amplitude stable test cables through 70 GHz.

-NextPhase™ Triple Shielded, low loss cable assemblies.

-Phase3™ “Absolute Lowest Loss,” high performance cable assemblies.


The following general purpose cables continue to be supported under our 6 month warranty: JumpShot, ClearPath, semi-rigid, conformable, corrugated and RG cable assemblies; RF microwave cables; also coax cable connectors and adapters.





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